

댓글 (4)
23. 10. 30.
Стримом пленяя сердца,
Стейси танцует, как в сказке.
Ритм ей в крови, волнует душу,
Грацию свою она всем показывает.
23. 9. 13.
I curdle your blood with just one look 🌊
And there is no better man in the world than the one who tries to do everything for you ❤
23. 4. 20.
It's more than love, after all. More than any passion.
This is more than a novel. It's hard to describe. 👄 💌
23. 4. 16.
It's more than love, after all. More than any passion.
This is more than a novel. It's hard to describe. 👄 💌